
Showing posts from October, 2018

Some Common Useful DAX Functions for Beginners

Welcome back guys. Just like i said in my previous post, getting started with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) can be intimidating, but becoming knowledgeable will guide you through unlocking new insights into your data. I believe the following DAX functions can get you started on the right path. Let’s work through some common business scenarios. 1. FILTER: The FILTER function is used to return a subset of a table or expression, as shown below. Let’s say that you want to get a count of items sold based on specific amount range.e.g Amount between 150 and 250. We will use the COUNTROWS function (Just like the name, it counts record), which counts the number of rows in the specified table, along with the FILTER function to achieve this: Count of sales between 150 and 250 = COUNTROWS(FILTER('Sales', 'Sales'[Sales